Wyrda's Database Wiki

Arraphilon are a type of woodlander found in the Timberlands.


Often described as 'sentient leaves', Arraphilon indeed look quite a lot like a leaf. A giant leaf. With teeth. And claws. They are masters of camouflage, curled around a tree and perfectly blending into their surroundings most of the time. Their sharp teeth allow them to pierce the bark of trees, and feed on their juices. In return, they protect the tree from any harm. Rarely, the latch onto Ents or Treants instead, making for a even more deadly encounter.


Will not attack unless provoked; provocation involves coming too close to its tree, attacking it directly, or attacking other woodlanders nearby.

Special attacks

Name Effect Targets Description Dice
Stealth Evasion 1+ Their excellent camouflage allows them to evade detection, requiring double the perception of others to be detected
Contriction Stun 1 Snakes around the target, immobilising them